In addition to testing the steel bar, the instrument can also be used to position the midpoint of two reinforcing bars, and also to test the magnetic and electric conductors in non-magnetic and non-conductive media.The instrument can automatically store the testing data (thickness and spacing information) in thickness testing, section testing and grid testing, so as to ensure that the testing data can be effectively saved, and can view / play back the testing data records while viewing. The built-in storage data space of the instrument can save more than 170,000 testing points; in the transfer, data can be transmitted by wireless Bluetooth or USB port; if you need to configure Bluetooth field printing, please contact our company. Battery fully charged, can be used for 30 hours, to meet the needs of daily large workload testing.

Instrument development and production is according to the JGJ_T152-2008 concrete steel bar testing technical specification.

Hardware features of the instrument:

High resolution color LCD screen (2.8-inch, 320x240-pixel, 65536-color).

Integrated host, testing unit integrated with the host, no need for signal line.

Built-in large-capacity lithium battery, the maximum working time can be up to 30 hours.

Small dimension: 22CM × 12CM × 11.8CM.

Instrument host weight: 0.61Kg

Laser indicating positioning, convenient to determine the position of steel bar.

* The laser beam attached to this instrument meets the safety standards and must not be directly viewed as a laser source.

Product: 3D R800 Integrated Rebar X Ray Scanner

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