1. Can automatically measure, calculate and print mean square error. The sampling distance was 0.05 and 0.1m, and the statistical deviation was less than 0.2mm after repeated tests under the same condition.

2. Automatically calculate and print the one-way cumulative value H(unit: mm) of the tested section.
3. Automatically calculate and print the length value of the measured section L(unit :M) with an error of less than 1%.

Technical Parameter:
1. Working length:3 meters; 8 rounds
2. Error:±0.1%
3. Working environment humidity: -10℃~+70℃
4. Data transmission:bluetooth
5. Detection speed:12Km/h
6. Traction speed under non-detection conditions:25km/h
7. Power:2W
8. External size:4061×800×600mm
Elongation :4061 mm
Shorten:2450 mm
9. Weight:240kg

Product: Texture Profile Meter For Continuous Flatness Gauge

User Evaluation

  • Abner Surrey 01

    The Agricultural Castings produced by HULK Metal are of good quality.

  • Abner Surrey 02

    The Agricultural Castings produced by HULK Metal are of good quality.


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